1221. Split a String in Balanced Strings-分割平衡字符串
Balanced strings are those that have an equal quantity ... » 阅读全文
Balanced strings are those that have an equal quantity ... » 阅读全文
Given an array of distinct integers arr, find all pairs... » 阅读全文
给你一个字符串text,你需要使用text中的字母来拼凑尽可能多的单词 "balloon"... » 阅读全文
Given a date, return the corresponding day of the week ... » 阅读全文
A bus has n stops numbered from 0 to n – 1 that f... » 阅读全文
Return the number of permutations of 1 to n so that pri... » 阅读全文
You are given an array of strings words and a string ch... » 阅读全文
Given a string date representing a Gregorian calendar d... » 阅读全文
The Tribonacci sequence Tn is defined as follows: T0 =... » 阅读全文
Given a list of dominoes, dominoes[i] = [a, b] is equiv... » 阅读全文